Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Interesting Summer Finds

Our first interesting thing we found, actually my son found, was this crazy looking spider. I have never seen anything like it before. Finding this weird looking fellow prompted my son to head to the computer to research. He found out this guy was a "spiny-back orb weaver." What ever he is I think he's cool looking with his black spikes all the way around his bright yellow body.

Next for things I have never seen before comes the Sea Slug (we had to do some research to figure this one out too). We actually found a couple of these as we were playing in the water at the beach this summer. I personally thought he was very cute. You can't get a good look at his face so trust me on this one. We swooped him up in our bucket to get a good look at him and of course to get some pictures, but quickly returned him safely back to the ocean.

Ok, these things I have seen before, I didn't have to do research to figure out what I found laying on my coffee table. However, the thing I found was my love for these simple towels. These towels are not new. I have used them, washed them, folded them and put them away many times, but this summer I discovered how much I love taking these big fluffy warm towels out of the dryer and folding them. Even looking at them stacked up on my table makes me smile, not to mention wrapping up in them after a shower. I suggest everyone should have big white fluffy towels to make them smile.

Another discovery was that it isn't so bad to live without cable os satellite. Who knew! We turned ours off a month before school got out and really it has been nice. We did hook an antenna to the T.V. because living in Florida, especially during hurricane season you have to keep an eye on the weather. So we get the weather and even a channel that has some cartoons for a little while in the mornings. Without T.V. the kids have more time for creative thinking, like turning bubble wrap into stylish clothes, like this great jacket Tater has made.

I'm sure there has been more discoveries I have come across this summer but for the last one for today is that, Froggy rain boots not only go with everything but they MAKE the outfit.

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