Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Little Beach Time

Today was a bit rainy and dreary so I thought I would show you some pictures and talk about something a bit more uplifting. What is more uplifting than, THE BEACH! These were taken maybe last week. This is my only daughter, one of the twins, I'll be calling her Ladybug. She is looking in her little binoculars at the Manna Rays that we were swimming with that day. It was definitely an experience we haven't had before. There were hundreds of these Manna Rays, probably at least 3 feet wide. They were swimming right up to us and turning right before they would hit us. I thought this was quite amazing, to have these big, beautiful creatures coming right up to us. I could have stayed there watching them all day. This is where Ladybug felt more comfortable. Behind her binoculars on the shore.
Ahhhh, this is the life. Kids playing in the sand, I'm sitting back relaxing, taking a few pictures, and my husband (I think we'll be calling him "The Officer") playing in the water. All I need now is a Pina Colada "chillin' in my right hand". If I had the kids in the picture this here would be a great shot of my life. When the weather is nice which is much of the year we are on the beach a lot. We all love it out here, and it's FREE!!!! Oh how I love free.

Despite the rain we did get out a little today and bought some school shoes for the kids, which was not too enjoyable for me because I hurt my toe very bad yesterday. Smashed the little thing with a wood pallet, ouch! I thought better of taking a picture of it to share with you, it's not too pretty. Although walking around the store was painful I got over it when I found this great soap and lotion, I fell in love with it after using it at my mothers house and just had to have it. Well it happened to be on sale where we were shopping today. Yea! Seems like it was meant to be.


  1. Ladybug looks like a bathing beauty on the beach.
    We did the school shopping thing on Friday. It was fun with me and 5 kids YA!! but we got allot done that day .Sorry to hear about your toe.

  2. Maybe you should take 1 or 2 kids at a time to do there shopping. That sounds way more fun. We still have most of our shopping still to do, just got what we could on base, gotta love no taxes.
